Some bleary eyes for many of the members this morning, who participated in last night’s Club Visioning Session. About 26 ERC members were joined by 6 District 6270 leaders to create the “Vision” of what the Elmbrook Rotary Club could be in 2019. Watch for more on this in the weeks ahead. This morning we also congratulated Club Member Jeanne Allen, as she celebrated the final day before retirement from her long banking career, in fitting fashion – with a full day of client appointments!
It won’t be long however before Jeanne, and her husband and fellow Rotarian, John will be celebrating along with friends by sailing around the Caribbean. Just watch out for those pirates!
Our speaker this morning was John Carlson of the Brookfield Water Department. John talked about the behind the scenes work that goes into making sure that plenty of safe clean water comes out every time we turn on that faucet.
And it’s a big job. John provided some pretty interesting numbers including the fact that Brookfield gets its water from 22 wells which is the most of any city except Madison. Many of those wells go down into the sandstone to depths of 1100 feet. The deep aquifer has remained a stable source of water for over 10 years and is tested for over 100 different chemicals and germs just to make sure that it stays safe. The City has over 2600 fire hydrants and it takes over 240 miles of pipe, valued over $65 million to bring that water for your morning shower.
Next week - Ahmed Quereshi, President of the Islamic Society of Greater Milwaukee – will talk about their new facility recently opened in Brookfield.