Volunteer Details - Brookfield Farmer's Market: Elmbrook Rotary Club
- What: Two (2) volunteers will go around to various produce vendors, letting them know you are with the Elmbrook Rotary Club and are asking for any excess product they wish to donate to Salvation Army.
- When: Farmer's Market is a recurring event each Saturday.
- Volunteers needed 11:30am - Noon.
- Farmer's Market is operates 7:30am to Noon each Saturday.
- Where: Brookfield Central High School - 16900 W. Gebhardt Road, Brookfield, WI 53005.
- One volunteer should bring a coaster wagon to haul produce. See Ian Smith if you need to borrow a wagon!
- Excess produce can be turned in to Bobbi Harvey, Market Manager, located at Information Table located on west side of Market.
- Bobbi Harvey's contact information is (262) 271-4341 or info@brookfieldfarmersmarket.com
- Why: donated produce benefits the Salvation Army.
More information can be found at: https://brookfieldfarmersmarket.com/